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Array Reduce vs. Chaining vs. For Loop: Optimizing Array Manipulations

February 16, 2021 - 3 min read
Main image for Array Reduce vs. Chaining vs. For Loop: Optimizing Array Manipulations

In the realm of JavaScript, particularly when dealing with arrays, developers often find themselves torn between different methods for iterating over and manipulating array data. This conundrum was recently highlighted during my personal project involving the rearrangement of photos downloaded from Google Photos.

Here, we'll delve into a comparison between three different techniques: using reduce, method chaining (like map and filter), and the classic for loop, specifically within the context of a Node.js script designed for file manipulation. We'll dissect each approach with the example of preparing and executing command-line instructions for file movement.

Method Chaining

Initially, my script utilized method chaining, appreciated for its readability and functional style. Here’s a snippet:

const lines = execSync(`find "${searchPath}" -type f`).toString().split('\n');

const commands = lines
  .map(f => f.trim())  // Remove whitespaces
  .filter(Boolean)     // Filter out empty lines
  .map(file => {
    const destFile = getDestFile(file);
    const destFileDir = path.dirname(destFile);
    return `mkdir -p "${destFileDir}" && mv "${file}" "${destFile}"`;

commands.forEach(command => execSync(command));

Each method serves a purpose, forming a pipeline transforming each file path into a command. However, this elegance comes with the hidden cost of iterating over the array multiple times.

The reduce Method

Some suggested reduce as a more optimized alternative, merging all operations into a single iteration. Let's consider the adaptation:

const commands = lines.reduce((accumulator, line) => {
  let file = line.trim();
  if (file) {
    const destFile = getDestFile(file);
    const destFileDir = path.dirname(destFile);
    accumulator.push(`mkdir -p "${destFileDir}" && mv "${file}" "${destFile}"`);
  return accumulator;
}, []);

While reduce indeed consolidates the operations, it arguably sacrifices some readability by introducing complexity and cognitive load due to its accumulator management.

Embracing the for Loop

Finally, revisiting the traditional for loop presented a surprising simplicity:

const commands = [];
for (const line of lines) {
  const file = line.trim();
  if (!file) continue;

  const destFile = getDestFile(file);
  const destFileDir = path.dirname(destFile);
  commands.push(`mkdir -p "${destFileDir}" && mv "${file}" "${destFile}"`);

This approach, especially with the for..of syntax, maintains readability and offers performance gains by minimizing iterations. It’s a reminder that sometimes, "classic" imperative code can be just as clean and efficient, if not more so, than its functional counterparts.


When it comes to one-off scripts, especially in non-critical applications, the need for absolute performance optimization is often overstated. Readability, ease of writing, and clarity of intent should take precedence. In scenarios where performance is a concern, however, being pragmatic and choosing a for loop is sensible.

In the broader context, this reflection serves as a reminder that while it’s beneficial to keep abreast of modern methods and best practices, the foundational constructs of the language are still relevant. They can be the right tool for the job, even in an ecosystem that sometimes feels dominated by newer paradigms.

Engage with your approach to array manipulations. Do you find the functional elegance of method chaining unbeatable, or do you value the straightforward efficiency of traditional loops? Perhaps you’ve found instances where reduce was the clear winner? Join the discussion on Twitter and share your experiences and preferences.